Always focussing on customer benefit: owner Stephan Wunschmann

Always focussing on customer benefit: owner Stephan Wunschmann

The Wunschmann catalogue 2024 is here!

You can download the Wunschmann tool catalogue 2024 as pdf now. With the current tool catalogue 2024 all previous price lists lose their validity.

We have added new tools to our range of high-quality precision cutting tools and made technical improvements to existing tools. New additions to the programme include the 135 and 150 radius milling cutters, the 180 WR and 186 WR torus milling cutters and the 180 WK HPC milling cutter. In addition, we now offer our strong HPC 189 solid carbide ramp milling cutter with a new, improved high-performance coating for even more cutting power!

Download the new Wunschmann catalogue now and take a look at our extensive range of standard tools. In addition to our standard tools, we also produce modified standard tools and customised precision tools for cost-effective machining.

If you have any questions about our cutting tools or need technical advice, we will be happy to help you personally. Give us a call (+49 7457 8059) or mail us, please.

With best regards

Stephan Wunschmann